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Latin American Constitutional Theory: Comparative Perspectives
10/1/23 → 9/30/27
Project: Research Project
Rethinking unelected authorities: a view from public law and democratic legitimacy.
Latorre Gonzalez, I. & Quinche Ramirez, M. F.
5/15/23 → 5/14/25
Project: Research Project
Characterization of regulation as a technique of administrative action of the State in the Colombian case: analysis and evaluation within the framework of the Regulatory Improvement Policy.
Restrepo Medina, M. A., Latorre Gonzalez, I., Sanabria Arevalo, J. M. & Gomez Rey, A.
3/31/23 → 3/31/26
Project: Research Project
Colombia and the WTO: analysis of the effects of international trade regulation on public policies
Tamayo Alvarez, R. A. & Urueña, R.
10/31/22 → 10/31/25
Project: Research Project
From the field to the stands: an analysis of land restitution in the life trajectory of women victims of the armed conflict in Colombia.
Quinche Ramirez, M. F., Peña Huertas, R. D. P. & Buchely Ibarra, L.
8/1/22 → 2/28/25
Project: Research Project
File -
International Foreign Investment Law: Limit to the regulatory capacity of the Colombian State
Prieto Rios, E. A., Garcia Matamoros, J. L. V., Prada Uribe, M. A., Díaz-Chalela, M., Onate Acosta, T. M. & Valencia Tello, D. C.
2/1/17 → 12/31/25
Project: Research Project
Challenges in Colombia regarding Human Rights and Business 2015 – 2025.
Prieto Rios, E. A., Varon Mejia, A. & Tamayo Alvarez, R. A.
7/1/16 → 7/1/25
Project: Research Project
LaboUR: Labour Observatory
Jaramillo Jassir, I. D., Guataqui Roa, J. C., Rodriguez Lesmes, P. A. & Garcia Suaza, A. F.
1/1/14 → …
Project: Research Project