Projects per year
- 50 - 100 out of 112 results
Search results
Market Integration and the Law of the Single Price: An Analysis for the World Oil Market
5/1/14 → 10/28/14
Project: Research Project
Observatory for the restitution and regulation of agrarian property rights
3/17/14 → 9/16/16
Project: Research Project
External Evaluation of Sexuality Education and Citizenship Building Programme PESCC
1/31/14 → 12/1/14
Project: Consultancy project
State "building at the community level: evaluating the impact of Colombia" consolidation program
1/1/14 → 11/30/17
Project: Research Project
The health impacts of Severe climate shocks in Colombia
De La Mata, M. D.
11/15/13 → 12/31/13
Project: Research Project
Analysis of productive chains for the mining sector in Colombia - Phase II
Arguello Cuervo, L. R.
11/5/13 → 12/20/13
Project: Consultancy project
Bridging the Gap: Regional Equity in Educational Achievement
Gamboa Nino, L. F.
7/9/13 → 12/31/14
Project: Research Project
Income and skills stratification of Higher Education in Colombia
Maldonado Carrizosa, D.
3/8/13 → 12/15/13
Project: Research Project
Information asymmetries in health insurance markets: an empirical examination for the case of Chile
De La Mata, M. D.
2/1/13 → 2/17/14
Project: Research Project
Democracy and Conflict in Colombia: Is the Democratic Left a Threat to the Armed Left?
2/1/13 → 7/30/14
Project: Research Project
Stochastic modeling of financial markets using Markov-modulated processes
2/1/13 → 10/31/14
Project: Research Project
Modelling dynamic dependency ratios between MILA indices: is there evidence of diversification possibilities?
2/1/13 → 2/1/14
Project: Research Project
Land Inequality, Collective Action and Conflict: An Experimental Approach
2/1/13 → 2/1/14
Project: Research Project
Estimation of response surface models of the unit root test of Kapetanians, Shin and Snell (2003)".
2/1/13 → 2/14/14
Project: Research Project
Stochastic models of financial markets with jumps that depend on inter-arribo times
1/2/13 → 7/10/14
Project: Research Project
Volatility of agricultural processes on the credit portfolio of a Rural Bank
11/1/12 → 6/30/13
Project: Research Project
Innovation and productivity in the Colombian service sector
8/1/12 → 1/31/13
Project: Research Project
Imperfect Adjustment of Prices and Wages in an Informal Economy
Jaramillo Mejía, F.
1/15/12 → 9/5/12
Project: Research Project
Analysis of the results of the Multipurpose Survey for Bogotá 2011
8/2/11 → 1/19/12
Project: Research Project
Option pricing with Markov-modulated tendencies and jumps
Ratanov, N.
7/1/11 → 8/16/12
Project: Research Project
Seguridad democrática, police presence and crime in Colombia
1/1/11 → 2/29/12
Project: Research Project
Deepening, opening and closing of export markets at sectoral level in Colombia: an estimate of trade margins and their relationship with the economic cycle.
Arguello Cuervo, L. R., Garcia Suaza, A. F. & Valderrama, D.
1/1/11 → 7/15/12
Project: Research Project
Programme for the development of investment opportunities and capitalisation of the assets of rural micro-enterprises "Rural Opportunities".
Arguello Cuervo, L. R. & Escobar, G.
9/23/10 → 10/31/11
Project: Research Project
Evaluating policies to reduce teenage childbearing in Bogotá, Colombia: the effect of policies reducing costs of education faced by households
8/15/10 → 8/30/11
Project: Research Project
Wage Behavior of the Public Sector in Colombia: A Convergence Analysis.
4/15/10 → 10/14/10
Project: Research Project
Evaluation of Policies to Reduce Adolescent Pregnancy in Bogotá, Colombia: The Effect of Policies that Reduce the Costs of Education
Maldonado Carrizosa, D.
12/16/09 → 9/15/10
Project: Research Project
003015 - Economía de la política social: Study of Causes of Desertion
Maldonado Carrizosa, D.
11/15/09 → 3/15/11
Project: Research Project
003015 - Economía de la política social: Virtual Showcase "Bogotá Trabaja" (Bogotá Works)
Guataqui Roa, J. C.
9/1/09 → 9/1/10
Project: Research Project
Elaboration of Terms of Reference for the Characterization Study of the labor aspects of the palm growing sector.
Guataqui Roa, J. C.
9/1/09 → 9/6/10
Project: Consultancy project
Analysis of Colombian Household Income and Expenses 2008.
4/29/09 → 10/28/09
Project: Consultancy project
003015 - Economía de la política social: Economic History of Colombia through Cartoons
Villaveces Nino, M. J.
3/16/09 → 12/1/10
Project: Research Project
003015 - Economía de la política social: Empowering Internally Displaced People in Colombia through the use of ICTs
3/11/09 → 8/31/10
Project: Research Project
003015 - Economía de la política social: Equal Opportunities in the Colombian Educational System
Maldonado Carrizosa, D.
10/1/08 → 9/30/09
Project: Research Project
Evaluation of the Bachilleres Program by Colombia "Mario Galan Gómez".
Guataqui Roa, J. C.
7/15/08 → 3/3/09
Project: Research Project
003015 - Economía de la política social: Inequality, segregation and coalition building. A general model
Jaramillo Mejía, F.
7/1/08 → 1/1/09
Project: Research Project
Outsourcing proposal for the Labor Observatory for Education
Guataqui Roa, J. C.
4/17/08 → 4/30/08
Project: Consultancy project
003015 - Economía de la política social: Effect of Educational Competition on the Quality of Public Schools in Bogotá
Guerra Forero, J. A.
4/1/07 → 1/18/08
Project: Research Project
Contrast of Seasonal Unit Roots in Heterogeneous Panels using Monthly Data
10/1/06 → 4/24/07
Project: Research Project
Effective education and added value: a case study
Gamboa Nino, L. F.
2/1/06 → 7/31/06
Project: Research Project
Characteristics and Determinants of Rural Poverty
Arguello Cuervo, L. R.
9/10/05 → 2/10/06
Project: Consultancy project
003015 - Economía de la política social: An Alternative Assessment of Changes in Quality of Life in Colombia between 1997 and 2003
Gamboa Nino, L. F.
3/1/05 → 8/30/05
Project: Research Project
Drug Market in Colombia, Entry, Price Pattern and Brand Loyalty
3/1/05 → 8/31/05
Project: Research Project