Projects per year
- 1 - 50 out of 125 results
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Is it about the origin or the level of productivity? An experiment in labor discrimination towards Venezuelan migrants in Colombia.
Cortes Cortes, D. F., Blanco, M., Lopez Peña, N. & Triviño Motta, P. G.
11/15/23 → 3/30/25
Project: Research Project
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LaboUR: Labour Observatory
Jaramillo Jassir, I. D., Guataqui Roa, J. C., Rodriguez Lesmes, P. A. & Garcia Suaza, A. F.
1/1/14 → …
Project: Research Project
Not started
Portfolio optimization under expected loss restrictions
Project: Research Project
The importance of cooperation: there is more beyond the partners
Gutierrez Ramirez, L. H., Gallego Acevedo, J. M. & Lee, S. H.
Project: Research Project
Testing for spatial market integration: Evidence for Colombia using a pair-wise approach
Otero Cardona, J. G. & Iregui, A. M.
Project: Other project
Unit root tests based on forward and reverse Dickey-Fuller regressions
Otero Cardona, J. G. & Baum, C. F.
Project: Research Project
Optimal portfolio selection with capital gains taxes and differential rates
Project: Research Project
Climbing the property ladder: An analysis of market integration in London property prices
Otero Cardona, J. G., Holmes, M. J. & Panagiotidis, T.
Project: Other project
It is already/barely 90 years: patrimonial and economic violence under the rule of Law 28 of 1932.
Cespedes Baez, L. M., Garcia Suaza, A. F., Martinez Munoz, K. X. & Cardozo Roa, C. C.
1/16/23 → 10/30/24
Project: Research Project
Systemic risk in decentralized lending.
Castro Iragorri, C. A. & Saengchote, K.
10/18/22 → 12/11/23
Project: Research Project
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Monitoring indicators for a gender approach to economic recovery measures in the context of Covid-19.
Urdinola Contreras, B. P., Ortiz , S., Cespedes Baez, L. M., Beltran Y Puga Murai, A. L. K., Garcia Suaza, A. F. & Suelt Cock, V. A.
9/25/21 → 9/30/24
Project: Research Project
Develop and implement in SISCAC a statistical model based on information from the High Cost Account, to make predictions about (i) the progression of the disease, (ii) the performance indicators of the EAPB of the diabetes cohort.
Rodriguez Lesmes, P. A. & Garcia Suaza, A. F.
7/15/21 → 12/31/21
Project: Research Project
Analysis of diabetes care trajectories using statistical learning models with information from electronic medical records.
Garcia Suaza, A. F. & Rodriguez Lesmes, P. A.
5/15/21 → 5/15/23
Project: Research Project
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Identify the intertemporal and risk preferences of those linked to Today and Tomorrow's program. BEPS
Aycinena Abascal, D. & Blanco, M.
9/11/20 → 12/31/21
Project: Research Project
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Emotional Influence on Information Processing in Decisions under Uncertainty
Lopez Guzman, S. & Sautua, S. I.
9/1/19 → 2/28/21
Project: Research Project
Human capital investment in post-conflict in Colombia
Namen Leon, O. M., Vargas Duque, J. F. & Munoz Martinez, F. M.
8/1/19 → 7/31/20
Project: Research Project
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Cost utility analysis in end-of-life palliative care program.
6/15/19 → 6/15/21
Project: Research Project
Rural economic informality: development for productive and social inclusion in the countryside
Prieto Rios, E. A., Cespedes Baez, L. M., Prada Uribe, M. A., Onate Acosta, T. M., Rodriguez Acosta, M. A., Arguello Cuervo, L. R., Saavedra Pineda, S. & Ternera Barrios, F. J.
10/1/18 → 9/30/22
Project: Research Project
Colombian Cities as Scenarios for Social Inclusion
Botero Ospina, M. E., Acosta Restrepo, P., Silva Ardila, D., Gallego Acevedo, J. M., Sepulveda Rico, C. E., Vargas Duque, J. F. & Munoz Martinez, F. M.
10/1/18 → 9/30/22
Project: Research Project
Entrepreneurship, entrepreneurship development and productive inclusion
Gutierrez Ramirez, L. H., Gallego Acevedo, J. M. & Rodriguez Lesmes, P. A.
10/1/18 → 9/30/22
Project: Research Project
Social Laboratory: social innovation strategies, experimental technologies and social appropriation of knowledge for the promotion of the formalization and social and productive inclusion of different economic agents.
Sepulveda Rico, C. E., Mendez Romero, R. A., Perez Bernal, J. F., Gauthier Umana, V. E., Cespedes Baez, L. M., Batz Liñeiro, A., Montes De La Barrera, J. O., Anzola Pinzon, D. E., Gomez Cruz, N. A., Mogollón-Pérez, A. S., Larrota Veloza, O. J., Cortina Roa, L. A. & Serrano Cárdenas, L. F.
10/1/18 → 10/26/23
Project: Research Project
The mind of the informal economic agent: preferences, skills and social norms
Mantilla Ribero, C. A., Blanco, M., Aycinena Abascal, D., Sautua, S. I. & Fatas Juberias, E.
10/1/18 → 9/30/22
Project: Research Project
Moving Towards Inclusive Labour Markets
Gallego Acevedo, J. M., Sepulveda Rico, C. E., Cortes Cortes, D. F., Guataqui Roa, J. C. & Ordóñez, J. T.
10/1/18 → 9/30/22
Project: Research Project
Macroeconomic and institutional aspects of the causes and consequences of informality
Jaramillo Mejía, F., Gallego Acevedo, J. M., Guataqui Roa, J. C., Arguello Cuervo, L. R., Otero Cardona, J. G. & Sepulveda Rico, C. E.
10/1/18 → 9/30/22
Project: Research Project
EFI- fortalecimiento.: Strategy for strengthening: Institutions, communities and territory.
Sepulveda Rico, C. E., Aldana Serrano, A. M., Jaramillo Salazar, H. D. J., Mantilla Ribero, C. A., Chalela, S., Batz Liñeiro, A., Mogollón-Pérez, A. S., Garcia Suaza, A. F., Cortes Cortes, D. F., Anzola Pinzon, D. E., Aycinena Abascal, D., Otero Cardona, J. G., Gomez de los Rios, F. A., Jaramillo Mejía, F., Cespedes Baez, L. M., Montes De La Barrera, J. O., Silva Ardila, D., Torres Arroba, F. J., Munoz Martinez, F. M., Gauthier Umana, V. E., Onate Acosta, T. M., Saavedra Pineda, S., Sautua, S. I., Buitrago Rubiano, R. E., Mendez Romero, R. A., Rodriguez Lesmes, P. A., Acosta Restrepo, P., Larrota Veloza, O. J., Gomez Cruz, N. A., Rodriguez Acosta, M. A., Blanco, M., Botero Ospina, M. E., Prada Uribe, M. A., Cortina Roa, L. A., Gutierrez Ramirez, L. H., Serrano Cárdenas, L. F., Ordóñez, J. T., Vargas Duque, J. F., Perez Bernal, J. F., Guataqui Roa, J. C., Jaramillo Salazar, H. D. J., Ternera Barrios, F. J., Gomez de los Rios, F. A. & Lopez Peña, N.
9/14/18 → 9/14/23
Project: Research Project
Examining the impact of tobacco pricing and packaging strategies on tobacco use and equity in middle-income countries
Gallego Acevedo, J. M. & Rodriguez Lesmes, P. A.
8/2/17 → 7/31/21
Project: Research Project
Adoption and dissemination of agricultural innovation processes
Arguello Cuervo, L. R.
8/1/17 → 10/31/17
Project: Research Project
Impact of falling oil prices on employment and labour informality
Arguello Cuervo, L. R.
7/27/17 → 11/3/17
Project: Research Project
Calculating the "UAF" for dispersed areas of Bogotá
Arguello Cuervo, L. R., González B., J. I., Orjuela L., R. E. & Gallego Acevedo, J. M.
5/9/17 → 4/3/18
Project: Consultancy project
Barriers to Innovation: All of them hamper innovation. Evidence from Three Latin American Countries
Gutierrez Ramirez, L. H. & Gallego Acevedo, J. M.
2/1/17 → 7/29/17
Project: Research Project
Quantitative economics, econometrics, statistics, databases, simulation, numerical methods, quantitative economics
2/1/17 → 12/31/18
Project: Research Project
Design, implementation and construction of a manual of economic experiments for the classroom
Mantilla Ribero, C. A. & Cortes Cortes, D. F.
2/1/17 → 6/1/18
Project: Research Project
The role of nonlinear pricing and resale price maintenance on nominal price stability
Florez Acosta, J. H.
1/9/17 → 12/11/19
Project: Research Project
Economic evaluation of the use of paraquat
Arguello Cuervo, L. R.
12/13/16 → 2/28/17
Project: Consultancy project
Regional Strategic Plan RAPE Central Region
Arguello Cuervo, L. R.
8/31/16 → 5/2/17
Project: Consultancy project
Estimation of Elliott, Rothenberg and Stock Unit Root Test Response Surface Models (1996)
7/15/16 → 1/15/17
Project: Research Project
Social Interactions in a Complex World: Experimental Evidence
Mantilla Ribero, C. A.
6/1/16 → 12/31/18
Project: Research Project
Favoring your in-group can harm both them and you: trust and public goods provision in South-West China
Seabright, P., Mantilla Ribero, C. A., Zhou, L., Wang, C., Yang, D. & Shen, S.
1/1/16 → 9/30/17
Project: Research Project
Tariff and para-tariff protection in Colombia
Echavarria Soto, J. J.
1/1/16 → 1/1/17
Project: Research Project
Collective Learning: Why Polarized Societies Deliberate Less on Public Policy Decisions
Guerra Forero, J. A.
1/1/16 → 1/1/17
Project: Research Project
More Effort or Less Price: The Effect of Scholarships on Dropout in Higher Education
1/1/16 → 1/1/17
Project: Research Project