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MESS: Women in their element. Analysis of the participation of women in the musical dance complex of Cali salsa
Gómez Etayo, E., Zuniga Reyes, D. G., Esponda Contreras, K. & Bedoya Velásquez, J. A.
3/19/24 → 3/19/25
Project: Research Project
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Transitions and transformations in Colombian rurality: Technological and social changes towards unconventional forms of food production. Case study in Bogotá and Cundinamarca
Baquero-Melo, J. & Pachon Gantiva, G. A.
12/1/23 → 6/30/25
Project: Research Project
CTLAB: Casanare Transmedia Lab: A participatory program for the appropriation of science and technology in Casanare.
Maldonado Castaneda, O. J. & Bruges , M.
4/24/22 → 3/31/28
Project: Research Project
Community property: the paradox of owning everything and owning nothing
Baquero-Melo, J. & Peña Huertas, R. D. P.
6/10/21 → 3/11/22
Project: Research Project
GUMELAB: Transmission of history through entertainment media in Latin America. Memory Research Laboratory and Digital Methods.
Galindo Hernandez, C. & Contreras-Saiz, M.
5/6/21 → 5/6/24
Project: Research Project
Thinking with the Body: somatic education for ethical-emotional training.
Cruz Velandia, I., Cortes Garcia, C. M., Rivera Largacha, S. M. A. & Herrera Romero, W. R.
7/31/20 → 1/31/22
Project: Research Project
Experiences, knowledge and financial behaviour of rural women in the "post-agreement": A comparative study between Piedmont, Cauca and La Carmelita Putumayo.
Baquero-Melo, J. & Chaves, M.
9/27/19 → 11/30/21
Project: Research Project
Design of a model for the evaluation of ethical training in Colombian universities (Phase I: Bogotá)
Herrera Romero, W. R. & Aguilar Rubiano, B. A.
3/15/19 → 5/31/21
Project: Research Project
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Youth Social Studies
Ceron Steevens, K. N. & Cruz Rodríguez, E.
3/1/18 → 12/31/22
Project: Research Project
The Role of Contracted Schools in Colombia: How do they work, in what contexts, and what are their effects on learning outcomes?
Urbano Canal, N. & Díaz Ríos, C. M.
10/5/17 → 10/5/18
Project: Research Project
Lab Geo: Second phase Colombia in France Geosesthetics laboratory
Boyer Hernandez, A. S. & Chaparro Amaya, A.
10/1/17 → 2/1/18
Project: Research Project
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Retoforta-Rallyforta: design and implementation of pedagogical and didactic strategies for self-regulated learning in the academic strengthening program in social sciences
Mendez Romero, R. A. & Lopera Moreno, J.
5/31/17 → 6/30/18
Project: Research Project
Representation of the victims' moral experience The Trujillo case
5/1/17 → 4/30/18
Project: Research Project
Cross perspectives on the past of the Arhuaco people - proposals for collaborative research.
3/16/17 → 9/30/19
Project: Research Project
FIUR-PAZ Project "Value Chains, Rural Employment and Social Networks: A Strategy to Consolidate Peacebuilding in Post-Conflict Scenarios?
1/1/17 → 9/30/18
Project: Research Project
Communication professions and transformations in the job market. Analysis of the social impact of the training of social communicators, social demands and challenges and the job market
Zuniga Reyes, D. G., Barredo Ibanez, D. & Pereira, J. M.
9/1/16 → 7/1/18
Project: Research Project
A Study on the Professional Culture of Journalism in Colombia: Features and Definitions
3/15/16 → 9/15/17
Project: Research Project
Archaism and literary modernity
Chaparro Amaya, A. & Boyer Hernandez, A. S.
1/12/16 → 7/30/17
Project: Research Project
Moral economy of the emerald. Moral and political history of western Boyacá. 1920-1990
Parra Bautista, J. A.
9/1/13 → 12/1/19
Project: Research Project
Pedagogical manual for the implementation of the case analysis methodology in ethics courses.
3/11/11 → 6/11/12
Project: Research Project
Elaboration from the informative ethics, of a journalistic quality indicator in Colombia.
8/15/10 → 2/13/12
Project: Research Project
Practical Rationality and the Moral Agency
Naranjo Galvez, L. E.
1/16/10 → 1/1/16
Project: Research Project
Building virtual environments for collaborative learning in ethics courses
1/1/08 → 1/1/12
Project: Research Project
The Moral Witness: A Study on the Testimonies of Civilian Victims of the Conflict in Colombia
1/1/08 → 1/1/12
Project: Research Project
Reasonability: Public Space and Historical Experience
Naranjo Galvez, L. E.
1/1/06 → 1/1/06
Project: Research Project
The plausibility of a rationality of ends
Naranjo Galvez, L. E.
1/1/06 → 1/1/10
Project: Research Project